Monday, March 18, 2013

When Photography was Simplier.

This is the camera that started it all.  It is  the first real camera I ever remember holding.  I must have been maybe 6?  5?  4?

It's a Viitar 602 110 Camera: 23mm (f4.0), 1:4  fixed-focus lens. Mechanical shutter with speed of 1/125. No exposure control. Tripod socket. Built in flash. This is the camera I will always remember.  My mom has all the cameras she owns on display and every time I see it, I smile.  I asked my Mom if I could borrow it and when I got home and really looked it over, more memories came flooding back.  It's such a simple camera and yet it was so much fun!  I must have taken countless images with it.  It was easy to load, easy to shoot.  No wonder my Mom didn't mind if I shot with it.  How could I mess it up.  There was no aperture to worry about, no shutter speed.  Just the film and the shutter and all I had to compose the  photo.

With the Lomography movement if full swing, I'm going to buy some 110 film to shoot and develop.  I'm going to fool around some, of course, but I'm also going to take some time in the city and just shoot.  And maybe, just maybe, I will do a photoshoot with it.  Now that should be fun.  I will keep you posted as to my progress.

Does anyone else have a camera from their youth that brings back fond memories?  Let me know the make and model you have and any memories you wish to share.


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